We are Love In A Box To You. Our purpose is to make it easy to give unique and convenient gifts. We went in search for the cutest 16 stuffed animal toys we could find and these are our first product offerings! We are an Australian-registered business. Love In a Box To You is our trading name and has been registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commision (ASIC).

My name is Teddy and I am the founder of Love In A Box To You. The idea began on 10 October 2022, while on a plane flying to London. After a lot of thought and encouragement from my friends, I started working on it from 19 December 2022. I am very proud to say that I am currently running my business locally in Canberra, Australia. 

Click the links below to learn more about us.

Big on Personality

If there is something unique about anybody, it would be their personality. We personify these adorable plush toys with witty product descriptions inspired by my real friends. I hope this brings an enjoyable and fun experience as you scroll through our plushies. I certainly had fun writing the descriptions for these adorable plush toys!

  • Mission

    Sending LOVE, one box at at time.

  • Vision

    Make gift giving unique and convenient.

  • Values

    Dare to Dream | You Be You | Venture Possibilties | Remember How You Started.

Get In Touch

For media and press enquiries please email: support@loveinaboxtoyou.com

For general business enquiries please email: support@loveinaboxtoyou.com

For all customer service enquiries please click here: Contact US.

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